St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

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Sandra Mulryan, former lecturer of English, and her husband, Dr. 约翰 Mulryan, professor emeritus of English, taught a combined 71 years at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 before retiring from full-time work (she in 2013 and he in 2011). They touched the lives of thousands of Bona 学生 throughout their careers.

今天, Sandra continues her love of teaching as an adjunct instructor while also spending time with 约翰, who’s in the long-term care unit of Cuba Memorial Hospital. We caught up with Sandra in Friedsam Memorial 图书馆 on a hot summer morning to talk about all things Bona’s.

我不会做任何改变. 我喜欢在博纳文蒂尔教书. I tell my 学生 I am a walking history book when it comes to this university. 约翰和我在1966年来到这里. We met at Marquette University in Wisconsin. He was from New York City and I was from Buffalo, earning my master’s in English. It was a time when feminism was taking hold, and it was my first experience meeting women who were earning higher degrees and living very independent lives. 后来,我见到并欣赏了老史密斯. 玛丽·安东尼·布朗,O.S.F., the first female faculty member hired at St. 博纳旺蒂尔(1957).  了解更多关于女性的信息. 博纳旺蒂尔

What were your early years on campus like?
忙. 我们最初住在阿勒格尼,没有车. 约翰会骑自行车去上班. He was 29 years old when he finished his doctorate work. 那时,我们有了两个孩子. 那是大家庭的年代. We connected with the Andersons, Vosslers and Keenans. Soon our two children became six, with all being born at St. 弗朗西斯医院. There was a cohesiveness within the faculty and staff. I remember Halloween at the Clubhouse Restaurant, Christmas parties with gingerbread houses and a roasted pig, 正式的舞会, 在镇上轮流吃晚饭. Slowly there came double careers in families, people commuting and now online classes.

It was near the fall of 1987 and there had been a surge in enrollment. Leo Keenan was chair of the English Department then. His wife told him that I held a master’s degree in English. He called five days before the semester began and asked if I wanted to teach. Our youngest child had just started second grade. 约翰 said I could borrow his syllabus if I needed it.

(微笑) I had taught freshman writing at Marquette for three years, so I was ready to teach it here. Actually, teaching writing is one of the most demanding things to do in the English department. But I enjoy it, and I find that the 学生 are interested in it. I was hired permanently as a lecturer in September 1998. As a teacher, you must adapt through the years. And you have to hold the 学生’ attention. 你不能编写脚本. 很多时候都是受教育的时刻.

Everyone wants to be seen and appreciated as a human being. They love writing about themselves and what interests them. 他们还需要人际关系. I give them feedback on everything they write. I have formal conferences three times a semester. A lot of the 学生 find this to be the most valuable time of the course.

And what have you come to know best about St. 博纳旺蒂尔?
This school attracts wonderful people who are kind, selfless and full of joy. We might not be a Harvard, but we have done very well with our graduates. There are things here you cannot get at an Ivy League school.

这是真的. Christopher Plummer’s 1957 performance as “Hamlet,” which marked the opening of the permanent Stratford Festival Theatre, 启发了我. I’ve been involved with local theater since our son Patrick was 17. 他现在42岁,在茱莉亚音乐学院教书. I had a small part in the second act of “Taming of the Shrew” this past August with the Olean Theater Workshop.  

你的丈夫, 约翰, is nationally known for his expertise on 约翰 Milton, as well as the mythological tradition in Renaissance literature. How is he doing and what would you like alumni and friends to know about him? 
His decades of research took us to England, 法国和意大利, and his invitations to speak about that research took us around the world. He inspired a lot of graduate 学生 at 博纳旺蒂尔 — such as Marianne Micros, a published poet who went on to a teaching career in Canada. 

我们感激我们所拥有的生活. We’re both very proud of our careers and especially of our children (Kathleen, 汤姆, 谁九年前去世了, 约翰, 桑迪, 迈克尔和帕特里克). Almost every day I travel to Cuba to visit my husband. 有时他会想起我们在一起的生活. 有时不. He is happy, though, and he likes when I bring him a chocolate bar. 

Do you have a special memory you’d like to share with the Mulryans? 全球网赌十大网站 community is invited to send a note (and maybe some chocolate) to:


Pictured: The Mulryans, Commencement 2011
In this Commencement ceremony photo from 2011 Sandra Mulryan and Dr. 约翰 Mulryan (center) stand with (from left) Dr. Michael Fischer, then-provost and vice president for academic affairs; then-University President Sr. 玛格丽特·卡尼,0.S.F., and then-Board of Trustees Chair 约翰 R. 麦克金尼小.先生., ’65, as Sandra received the Award for Professional Excellence in Teaching.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

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