St. Bonaventure University




School of 艺术 和 Sciences

Office phone: (716) 375-2564
罗氏(De La Roche) 220 D 
  • 生物105. Biological Science I
  • 生物106. Biological Science II
  • 生物350. Neurobiology with laboratory
  • 生物390. 进化
  • 生物399. 生物学研讨会
  • 生物456/457. 生物学 Senior/教师 Colloquium
  • 生物494. Genomics with bioinformatics laboratory
  • 亲爱的299. Counterfactual Thinking
  • HSOC 401. 健康与社会 Seminar
  • Ph.D., Stanford University
  • B.A., St. 约翰的大学

Notable publications

  • Russell PJ, Hertz PE, McMillan B, Benington, JH. 生物学: The Dynamic Science,第5版. Cengage 2021.
  • Benington JH. Fundamentals of electroencephalography 和 other biopotentials. In: Fundamentals of 睡眠 Technology, ed. Butkov L 和 Lee-Chiong T. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams, & 威尔金斯,2007.
  • Frank MG 和 Benington JH. The role of sleep in memory consolidation 和 brain plasticity: Dream or reality? 神经学家, 12: 477-488, 2006. 
  • Benington JH. Homeostatic 和 circadian influences. In: 睡眠 Deprivation: Basic Science, Physiology, 和 Behavior, ed. Kushida CA. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2005.
  • Benington JH 和 Frank MG. Cellular 和 molecular connections between sleep 和 synaptic plasticity. Progress in Neurobiology 69: 71-101, 2003.
  • Benington JH. Debating how REM sleep is regulated. Journal of 睡眠 研究 11:29-31, 2002.
  • Veasey SC, Valladares O, Fenik P, Kapfhamer D, Sanford L, Benington J, Bucan M.   An automated system for recording 和 analysis of sleep in mice. 睡眠 23:1025-40, 2000.
  • Horan SM 和 Benington JH. A protocol for using electronic messaging to facilitate academic committee deliberations. Journal of Higher Education Policy 和 Management 22:187-197, 2000.
  • Benington JH. 睡眠 homeostasis 和 the function of sleep. 睡眠 23:959-966, 2000.
  • Benington JH 和 Heller HC. Implications of sleep deprivation experiments for our underst和ing of sleep homeostasis. 睡眠 22:1033-1037, 1999.
  • Benington JH. Why we believe what we believe about REM-sleep regulation. In:  Rapid-Eye Movement 睡眠, ed. Mallick BM 和 Inoue S. New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House, 1999.
  • Swanson RA, Benington JH. Astrocyte glucose metabolism under normal 和 pathological conditions in vitro. Developmental Neurobiology 18:515-521, 1996.
  • Benington JH, Woudenberg MC, Heller HC. Apamin, a selective SK potassium channel blocker, suppresses REM sleep without a compensatory rebound. 大脑研究 692:86-92, 1995.
  • Benington JH, Kodali SK, Heller HC. Stimulation of A1 adenosine receptors mimics the electroencephalographic effects of sleep deprivation. 大脑研究 692:79-85,  1995.
  • Benington JH, Heller HC. Monoaminergic 和 cholinergic modulation of REM-sleep timing in rats. 大脑研究 681: 141-146, 1995.
  • Benington, JH, Heller, HC. Restoration of brain energy metabolism as the function of sleep. Progress in Neurobiology 45:347-360, 1995.
  • Benington JH, Woudenberg MC, Heller HC. REM-sleep propensity accumulates during two-hour REM-sleep deprivation in the rest period in rats. 神经学字母 180:76-80, 1994.
  • Benington JH, Heller HC. Does the function of REM sleep concern non-REM sleep or waking? Progress in Neurobiology 44:433-449, 1994.
  • Benington JH, Heller HC. REM-sleep timing is controlled homeostatically by accumulation of REM-sleep propensity during non-REM sleep. American Journal of Physiology 266: R1992-R2000, 1994.
  • Benington JH, Kodali SK, Heller HC. Scoring transitions to REM sleep in rats based on the EEG phenomena of pre-REM sleep: an improved analysis of sleep structure. 睡眠 17:28-36, 1994.

My scholarly interests include the following:

  • In collaboration with Craig Heller at Stanford University, I have proposed hypotheses linking the function of sleep to brain energy metabolism, 和 linking the function of REM sleep to events taking place during nonREM sleep.
  • In collaboration with Marcos Frank at University of Pennsylvania, I have proposed a range of possible cellular 和 molecular connections between sleep 和 synaptic plasticity.
  • I am one author of a college general biology textbook for natural science majors, 由Cengage出版.

My past research in collaboration with students at St. Bonaventure University has included studies of:

  • the effects of sleep deprivation on cellular energy metabolism in rats (in collaboration with researchers at Stanford University)
  • the effects of oxidative stress on cellular energy metabolism 和 ADP ribose production in primary cultures of astrocytes (in collaboration with Dr. Raymond Swanson at University of California at San Francisco)
  • changes in cellular energy metabolism in association with starvation-induced sexual reproduction in Tetrahymena thermophilaSchizosaccharomyces pombe.
  • bioinformatic analysis of changes in mouse long non-coding  RNAs in recovery from heart failure

目前, I mentor students in bioinformatics projects, performing new analyses of publicly available data to answer diverse biological questions. 
